Crisóstomo, João Simas e José Miguel |
This work marks the very awaited opening of
At-Tambur in the records field. With this CD, the group completes a first cycle in his
life and it's musical vision of the world - in this case going for melodies and ritmic
variations - with a tradicional and euopean background.
At-Tambur joins violin, drumsets, hurdy-gurdy, acoustic guitar, flutes, double bass, voice
and concertina creating tunes some real other imagined, some originals and some from
tradicional culture.
Togheter since 1999, At-Tambur dedicated inicialy to give life to balls around eruopean
folk dances - where the audience danced in rithm of the music learning and teaching
several steps from various old tradicional dances.
With and along that experience, At-Tambur created a paralel project of musics adapted to
be played in concerts and started to invite some voices and instruments.
Now it's presented a record inspired on portuguese and other roots; influenced by
classical, ancient and jazz music, thru the creation and choice of chalenging repertoire
in it's interpretation, arrangement and the gathering of it all...
At-Tambur is: Gonçalo Carneiro, João Simas, José Miguel, Sérgio Crisóstomo e Tiago
Costa-Freire. In this record where invited the following musicians: Anabela Fernandes,
André Ventura, Celina Piedade, José Salgueiro, Luis Sousa, Margarida Simas, Miguel
Esteves e Xana Abreu. |